Trip report of the Private Birding Tour in the Lauwersmeer & Zuidlaardermeer on July 13th, 2020
Today, a birding tour was planned from 9.00-16.30 hours for 2 persons from France. In the morning we would visit the Lauwersmeer and in the afternoon, we would go to the Zuidlaardermeer, birdwatching. It was 16-22 °C, a little cloudy, and a little wind.
Common Snipe on the ground and Black Stork in the air
We started with a walk near the Jaap Deensgat. A lot of Greylag Geese were lying in the water. Behind them, a row of Spotted Redshanks was sleeping and also a row of Spoonbills were standing there. Above us, House Martins and Common Swifts were flying. When we were searching for waders, we found a Common Snipe, Lapwings, Redshank, and Little Ringed Plover. Suddenly we saw quite a big bird flying over, and it turned out to be a Black Stork!
From the shelter, we saw different Wagtails and a Great Black-backed Gull. When we walked back to the car, we found the Ruddy Shelducks, that were in that area already for a few weeks. Also, some ducks could be written on the list, and although we didn’t see the Bearded Tits, we heard the ‘pling’-sound of them several times.

Black Swans and Ruffs in the water
We drove a few minutes and stopped again. After a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, we noticed two Black Swans and the first Great Crested Grebes and Cormorants.
In the harbor, we found two Turnstones, resting on blocks, while it was low tide. The family of Oystercatchers was looking for food in the mud. In the meanwhile, lots of Black-backed Gulls were resting in the water, in front of the two boats for Schiermonnikoog. We also stopped near the colony of Cormorants and spotted Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a singing Wren.
Black Swans
The last stop was the Ezumakeeg- North (the South was already to dry for most of the birds), and enjoyed the Pied Avocets, a Great Ringed Plover, Shelducks and the Ruffs. Above the reed, a male Marsh Harrier was flying, looking for food. Unfortunately, the White-tailed Eagle didn’t show up this morning.
Black and Whiskered Terns in the air
Now it was time to drive to the Zuidlaardermeer, to visit the two places with the most birds. We started with another cup of coffee/tea and cake and then made a walk over the dike. During the walk, we heard a Savi’s Warbler and we saw a White Stork. In the meanwhile, Black Terns and Whiskered Terns were flying by and some Black-necked Grebes with youngsters were swimming in the water. Another Marsh Harrier and some Buzzards could be seen in the air. When we drove back to the main road, we noticed a Kestrel, sitting on a high voltage wire and we heard the song of a Yellowhammer.

We drove to the other place, which normally is filled with birds. It was much dryer now than a few weeks ago, and fewer birds were present. A group of Lapwings was chased by a Goshawk and some Ruffs stood on the other side of the area. Far away, two Black-winged Stilts could be seen by telescope. The other birds on that place we had seen before, today.
At that moment It was time to say goodbye. With some lifers in the pocket, the couple turned back to their place to stay for a few more nights.
Observed species of birds
1 Canada Goose – Branta canadensis
2 Greylag Goose – Anser Anser
3 Black Swan – Cygnus atratus
4 Mute Swan – Cygnus olor
5 Common Shelduck – Tadorna tadorna
6 Ruddy Shelduck – Tadorna ferrruginea
7 Shoveler – Spatula clypeata
8 Gadwall – Mareca strepera
9 Eurasian Wigeon – Mareca penelope
10 Mallard – Anas platyrhynchos
11 Teal – Anas crecca
12 Tufted Duck – Aythya fuligula
13 Common Swift – Apus apus
14 Stock Dove – Columba oenas
15 Wood Pigeon – Columba palumbus
16 Moorhen – Gallinula chloropus
17 Coot – Fulica atra
18 Great Crested Grebe – Podiceps cristatus
19 Black-necked Grebe – Podiceps nigricollis
20 Oystercatcher – Haematopus ostralegus
21 Black-winged Stilt – Himantopus himantopus
22 Pied Avocet – Recurvirostra avosetta
23 Lapwing – Vanellus vanellus
24 Great Ringed Plover – Charadrius hiaticula
25 Little Ringed Plover – Charadrius dubius
26 Black-tailed Godwit – Limosa Limosa
27 Turnstone – Arenaria interpres
28 Ruff – Calidris pugnax
29 Dunlin – Calidris alpina
30 Common Snipe – Gallinago gallinago
31 Common Redshank – Tringa totanus
32 Spotted Redshank – Tringa erythropus
33 Black-headed Gull – Chroicocephalus ridibundus
34 Great Black-backed Gull – Larus marinus
35 Herring Gull – Larus argentatus
36 Lesser Black-backed Gull – Larus fuscus
37 Common Tern – Sterna hirundo
38 Whiskered Tern – Chlidonias hybrida
39 Black Tern- Chlidonias niger
40 Black Stork – Ciconia nigra
41 White Stork – Ciconia Ciconia
42 Cormorant – Phalacrocorax carbo
43 Spoonbill – Platalea leucorodia
44 Grey Heron – Ardea cinerea
45 Great Egret – Ardea alba
46 Northern Goshawk – Accipiter gentilis
47 Western Marsh Harrier – Circus aeruginosus
48 Common Buzzard – Buteo buteo
49 Kestrel – Falco tinnunculus
50 Carrion Crow – Corvus corone
51 Great Tit – Parus major
52 Bearded Tit – Panurus biarmicus
53 Barn swallow – Hirundo rustica
54 House Martin – Delichon urbicumand
55 Common Chiffchaff – Phylloscopus collybita
56 Sedge Warbler – Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
57 Savi’s Warbler – Locustella luscinioides
58 Wren – Troglodytes Troglodytes
59 Starling – Sturnus vulgaris
60 House Sparrow – Passer domesticus
61 Blue-headed Wagtail – Motacilla flava
62 White Wagtail – Motacilla alba
63 Meadow Pipit – Anthus pratensis
64 Linnet – Linaria cannabina
65 Goldfinch – Carduelis Carduelis
66 Yellowhammer – Emberiza citrinella
67 Reed Bunting – Emberiza schoeniclus
- Birding Tour Lauwersmeer the Netherlands169.00
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- Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer the Netherlands169.00
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