Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer the Netherlands


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Birding Tour Zuidlaardermeer

The birding Tour Zuidlaardermeer takes you to the birding highlights in this area. The Zuidlaardermeer lies on the border of Drenthe and Groningen, roughly in the triangle Haren (Gr), Zuidlaren and Kropswolde. A full description of this excursion can be found under the calendar.

If you book for a whole day you will get a € 20 discount on the total price!

  • High probability of sighting the White-tailed Eagle in the breeding season;
  • Can also be made suitable for people with reduced mobility;
  • We visit famous but also lesser-known places.
  • No guarantee on the White-tailed Eagle.

Please also select the maximum number of people you will be entering the Extras option in the calendar when booking.

Best birding season for this area:



Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer in the Netherlands

Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer Kingfisher

The birding tour Zuidlaardermeer (it is a lake) situated in the Hunzedal. It will bring you to the highlights of this area. The Zuidlaardermeer is situated on the border of the Provinces of Groningen and Drenthe in the Northern part of the Netherlands. It’s globally situated in the triangle Haren, Zuidlaren, and Kropswolde. The lake is filled by a small river called the Hunze, this river ends in the Winschoterdiep, a big canal nearby Westerbroek.

The Zuidlaardermeer Area

Around the Zuidlaardermeer you will find meadow and polders with trees and bushes speckled in it at the Westside. The Eastside is an environmental area, specially created for the Bittern and a great variety of reed birds. The Northern part of this area is flooded polders with a great part of the soft rush. In this area, there are a lot of ducks and terns. Because of the great variety in landscape there are a lot of birds in the Zuidlaardermeer area. And there are some special mammals here like Beaver and Otter.

Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer Gadwall
Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer Buzzard

How is the birding tour Zuidlaardermeer going?

As you’ve read above this is a big area around the Zuidlaardermeer. For this birding tour, we will visit a selected group of the area’s around the Lake. We will visit them by car and explore these places from there on foot. There will be plenty of time to observe the birds and eventually photograph them. This birding trip is at a request suitable for people who aren’t very well on foot.

Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer watchtower at de Leine
Watchtower at de Leine.
Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer Wolfsbarge

White-tailed Eagle at the Zuidlaardermeer

There is a pair of youngster White-tailed Eagles in this area. They have settled here and we have a big chance to spot them!!

Birding tour Zuidlaardermeer White-tailed eagle
White-tailed Eagle in flight.

But there are more nice birds to see

Not only the White-tailed Eagle is in this area but also a lot of different interesting birds are here to find. In spring and summer, there are very rare terns here. Like the Black-winged Stilt, Whiskered Tern, Black Tern, and the White-winged Tern. Some of them have their nest here, and that’s very special for the Netherlands!
Black-winged Stilt with a youngster.

Steltkluut (Himantopus himantopus) met jong Zuidlaardermeer Onnerpolder 2018

Food and drinks

During the birding tour around the Zuidlaardermeer lake area, there will be coffee and tea with a local titbit.

What can you expect from this birding tour around the Zuidlaardermeer lake area?

  • There is a Swarovski spotting scope for general use;
  • The guide is well known in this area and also knows the hidden birding spots;
  • Especially in the Spring and Summer period good birding opportunities;
  • Very nice bird observation possibilities;
  • Different biotopes, therefore many different birds;
  • The possibility to borrow a pair of binoculars during the birding tour;
  • The guide is a very experienced birder and she can point them out for you;
  • Good photographing opportunities during the tour;
  • Food and drinks included;
  • This birding tour is fitted for experienced and unexperienced birders;
  • Free parking for your car during the birding tour;
  • The ability to ask questions about the particular birds during the birding tour;
  • You will get a full list with the spotted birds by e-mail;
  • An unforgettable birding experience in the Netherlands.

I am looking forward taking you with me and show you all the birding secrets in this area. It is easy to book your own Birding Tour at a time and date that suits you.
Andrea de Vries

Your Guide: Andrea de Vries


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